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FILE:  <HALL.PUB>  -- Publications of Irvin M. Hall:      <PHOTO>   

 [Additional references may be found at: MELVYL Library ]


Anderson, L. D. & I. M. Hall.  1967.  Youth programs of the ESA.  Special interest exploring in entomology.  Bull. Ent. Soc. Amer. 13(3):  227-8.


Anderson, L. D., H. Nakakihara & I. M. Hall.  1963.  Toxicity of new insecticides to corn earworms in sweet corn.  J. Econ. Ent. 56:  40-2.


Dunn, P. H., I. M. Hall & M. L. Snideman.  1964.  Bioassay of Bacillus thuringiensis- based microbial insecticides. III. Continuous propagation of the salt-marsh caterpillar, Estigmene acrea.  J. Econ. Ent. 57:  374-77.


Flanders, S. E. & I. M. Hall.  1965.  Manipulated bacterial epizootics in Anagasta populations.  J. Invertebr. Path. 7:  368-77.


Garcia, R., B. A. Federici, I. M. Hall, M. S. Mulla & C. H. Schaefer.  1980.  BTI-- a potent new biological weapon.  Calif. Agr. 34(3):  18-19.


Hall, I. M.  1952.  Observations of Perezia pyraustae Paillot, a microsporidian parasite of the European corn borer.  J. Parasitol. 38:  48-52.


Hall, I. M.  1952.  A new species of Microsporidia from the fawn-colored lawn moth, Crambus bonifatellus (Hulst) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae).  J. Parasitol. 38:  487-91.


Hall, I. M.  1953.  The role of virus diseases in the control of the alfalfa looper.  J. Econ. Ent. 46:  1110-11.


Hall, I. M.  1954.  Studies of microorganisms pathogenic to the sod webworm.  Hilgardia 22(15):  535-65.


Hall, I. M.  1955.  The use of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner to control the western grape leaf skeletonizer.  J. Econ. ent. 48:  675-77.


Hall, I. M.  1957.  Use of a polyhedrosis virus to control the cabbage looper on lettuce in California.  J. Econ. Ent. 50:  551-53.


Hall, I. M.  1957.  The spotted alfalfa aphid and its control in California.  Univ. Calif. Agr. Ext. Svc. Publ.  4 p.


Hall, I. M.  1959.  Microbial control of insects.  Agr. Chemistry 14:  45, 112-15.


Hall, I. M.  1959.  The fungus Entomophthora erupta (Dustan) attacking the black grass bug, Iribisia solani (Heidemann) (Hemiptera: Miridae) in California.  J. Insect Path 1:  48-51.


Hall, I. M.  1961.  Some fundamental aspects of applied insect pathology.  Adv. in Pest Contr. Res. 4:  1-32.


Hall, I. M.  1962.  The future of biological control.  Proc. North Cent. Br., Ent. Soc. Amer. Vol. 17.  4 p.


Hall, I. M.  1963.  The use of microbial agents for control of noxious insects, p. 148-52..  In:  Developments Industrial Microbiology, Vol. 4.  Amer. Inst. Biol. Sci., Wash., D.C.


Hall, I. M.  1963.  Microbial control. Chapter 14, p. 477-517.  In:  Insect Pathology 2.  Academic Press, Inc., NY.


Hall, I. M.  1964.  Use of microorganisms in biological control, p. 610-28.  In:  P. DeBach (ed.), Biological Control of Insect Pests and Weeds.  Reinhold, New York.  844 p.


Hall, I. M.  1967.  Integrated microbial control and chemical control of insect pests, p. 59-61.  In:  Abstr. Papers U.S.-Japan Seminar, "Microbial Control of Insect Pests," Fukuoka, 1967.  U.S.-Japan Commit. Sci. Coop., Panel 8, Res. Pesticides.


Hall, I. M.  1967  The development and use of microbial insecticides containing entomogenous bacteria and viruses.  Mushi 39 (Suppl.):  75-84.


Hall, I. M.  1968.  Integrated microbial control and chemical control of insect pests, p. 165-67.  In:  Proc. Joint U.S.-Japan Seminar on Microbial Control of Insect Pests, April 21-23, 1967, Fukuoka.


Hall, I. M.  1969.  Diseases of citrus insects and mites.  Proc. 1st Internatl. Citrus Symposium, Vol. 2.  p. 823-26.


Hall, I. M.  1973.  Pathogens of aphids, p. 39-9.  In: A. D. Lowe (ed.), Perspectives in Aphid Biology.  Bull. No. 2, Ent. Soc. New Zealand, Inc.


Hall, I. M.  1974.  Dispersion of pathogens.  Proc. Inst. Biol. Contr., Miss. St. Univ.  p. 591-8.


Hall, I. M.  1976.  Nosema costelytrae n. sp., a new microsporidian parasite of larvae of Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in New Zealand.  New Zeal. J. Zool. 4.


Hall, I. M. & L. A. Andrés.  1959.  Field evaluation of commercially produced Bacillus thuringiensis used for control of lepidopterous larvae on crucifers.  J. Econ. Ent. 52:  877-80.


Hall, I. M. & K. Y. Arakawa.  1959.  The susceptibility of the housefly, Musca domestica Linn. to Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner.  J. Insect Pathol. 1:  351-55.


Hall, I. M. & M. E. Badgley.  1957.  A rickettsial disease of larvae of species of Stethorus caused by Rickettsiella stethorae n. sp.  J. Bact. 74:  452-55.


Hall, I. M. & J. V. Bell.  1960.  The effect of temperature on some entomophthoraceous fungi.  J. Insect Path. 2:  247-53.


Hall, I. M. & J. V. Bell.  1961.  Further studies on the effect of temperature on the growth of some entomophthoraceous fungi.  J. Insect Path. 3:  289-96.


Hall, I. M. & J. V. Bell.  1962.  Nomenclature of Empusa Cohn 1855 vs. Entomophthora Fresenius 1856.  J. Insect Path. 4:  224-8.


Hall, I. M. & J. V. Bell.  1963.  The synonymy of Empusa thaxteriana Petch and Entomophthora ignobilis Hall and Dunn.  J. Insect Path. 5:  182-6.


Hall, I. M. & J. V. Bell.  1963.  Aceto-carmine-- a rapid stain for Entomophthora species.  J. Insect Path. 5:  265-66.


Hall, I. M. & J. V. Bell.  1963.  Identification of an entomophthoraceous fungus isolated by Sawyer.  J. Insect Path. 5:  272-5.


Hall, I. M. & J. V. Bell.  1963.  Note on Cordyceps sobolifera (Berkeley) on the desert cicada, Diceroprocta apache (Davis).  J. Insect Path. 5:  270-72.


Hall, I. M. & E. J. Dietrick.  1955.  Fungi on spotted alfalfa aphid.  Calif. Agr. 9(12):  5, 16.


Hall, I. M. & P. H. Dunn.  1957.  Entomophthorous fungi parasitic on the spotted alfalfa aphid.  Hilgardia 27:  159-81.


Hall, I. M. & P. H. Dunn.  1957.  Fungi on spotted alfalfa aphid.  Calif. Agr. 11:  5, 14.


Hall, I. M. & P. H. Dunn.  1958.  Susceptibility of some insect pests to infection by Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner in laboratory tests.  J. Econ. Ent. 51:  296-98.


Hall, I. M. & P. H. Dunn.  1958.  Artificial dissemination of entomopthorous fungi pathogenic to the spotted alfalfa aphid in California.  J. Econ. Ent. 51:  341-44.


Hall, I. M. & P. H. Dunn.  1959.  The effect of certain insecticides and fungicides on fungi pathogenic to the spotted alfalfa aphid.  J. Econ. Ent. 52:  28-29 (30?).


Hall, I. M. & J. C. Halfhill.  1959.  The germination of resting spores of Entomophthora virulenta Hall and Dunn.  J. Econ. Ent. 52:  30-5.


Hall, I. M. & V. M. Stern.  1962.  Comparison of Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis and chemical insecticides for control of the alfalfa caterpillar.  J. Econ. Ent. 55:  862-65.

Hall, I. M., R. L. Hale, H. H. Shorey & K. Y. Arakawa.  1961.  Evaluation of chemical and microbial materials for control of the cabbage looper.  J. Econ. Ent. 54:  141-6.


Hall, I. M., F. D. Stewart, K. Y. Arakawa & R. G. Strong.  1971.  Protozoan parasites of species of Trogoderma in California.  J. Invetebr. Path. 18:  252-59.


Hall, I. M., D. K. Hunter & K. Y. Arakawa.  1971.  The effect of beta-exotoxin fraction of Bacillus thuringiensis on the citrus red mite.  J. Invertebr. Path. 18:  359-62.


Hall, I. M., H. T. Dulmage & K. Y. Arakawa.  1972.  Laboratory tests with entomogenous bacteria and the fungus Beauveria bassiana against the little house fly species Fannia canicularis and F. femoralis.  Environ. Ent. 1:  105-07.


Hall, I. M., H. T. Dulmage & K. Y. Arakawa.  1972.  The susceptibility of the eye gnat, Hippelates collusor, to entomogenous bacteria and fungi.  J. Invertebr. Path. 19:  28-31.


Hall, I. M., A. D. Lowe & B. B. Given.  1976.  New records of aphid hosts of Entomophthora aphidis and E. planchoniana in New Zealand.  New Zeal. J. Zool. 3: 111-12.


Hall, I. M., E. H. A. Oliver & B. B. Given.  1976.  Nosema takapauensis n. sp., a microsporidian parasite of larvae of Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in New Zealand.  New Zeal. J. Zool. 3.


Hall, I. M., K. Y. Arakawa, H. T. Dulmage & J. A. Correa.  1977.  The pathogenicity of strains of Bacillus thuringiensis to larvae of Aedes and to Culex mosquitoes.  Mosq. News 37:  246-51.


Hall, I. M., A. D. Lowe, B. B. Given & E. H. A. Oliver.  1979.  Fungi attacking the blue-green lucerne aphid in New Zealand.  New Zeal. J. Zool. 6:  473-4.


Harkrider, J. R. & I. M. Hall.  1975.  The occurrence of an Entomopoxvirus in a field population of Chironomus sp.  Proc. 43rd Ann. Conf. Calif. Mosq. Contr. Assoc., Jan 26-29, 1975.  p. 103-6.


Harkrider, J. R. & I. M. Hall.  1978.  The dynamics of an Entomopoxvirus in a field population of larval midges of the Chironomus decorus complex.  Environ. Ent. 7:  858-62.


Harkrider, J. R. & I. M. Hall.  1979.  The effect of an Entomopoxvirus on larval populations of an undescribed midge species in the Chironomus decorus complex under laboratory conditions.  Environ. Ent. 8:  631-5.


Harkrider, J. R. & I. M. Hall.  1980.  Evidence for the transovum transmission of a chironomid entomopoxvirus.  Mosq. News. 40:  116-17.


Hunter, D. K. & I. M. Hall.  1968.  Pathogenicity of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua.  J. Invertebr. Path. 12:  83-5.

Hunter, D. K. & I. M. Hall.  1968.  Cytopathology of a nuclear polyhedrosis of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua.  J. Invertebr. Path. 12:  93-7.


Jefferson, R. N., I. M. Hall & F. S. Morishita.  1964.  Control of lawn moths in southern California.  J. Econ. Ent. 57:  150-52.


Krywienczyk, J., H. T. Dulmage, I. M. Hall, C. C. Beegle, K. Y. Arakawa and P. G. Fast.  1980.  Occurrence of Kurstaki K-1 crystal activity in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis Serovar (H-1).  J. Invertebr. Path. 27.


Legner, E. F., R. D. Sjogren & I. M. Hall.  1974.  The biological control of medically important arthropods.  CRC Crit. Rev. Environ. Contr. 4(1):  85-113.


Lowe, A. D. & I. M. Hall.  1978.  Additional records of Entomophthora aphidis and E. planchoniana from aphids in New Zealand.  New Zeal. J. Zool. 5:  493.


Oatman, E. R., I. M. Hall, K. Y. Arakawa, G. R. Platner, L. A. Bascom & C. C. Beegle.  1970.  Control of the corn earworm on sweet corn in southern California with a nuclear polyhedrosis virus and Bacillus thuringiensis.  J. Econ. Ent. 63:  415-21.


Reed, D. K. & I. M. Hall.  1972.  Electron microscopy of a rod-shaped noninclusion virus infecting the citrus red mite.  J. Invertebr. Path. 20:  272-8.


Reed, D. K., I. M. Hall, J. E. Rich & J. G. Shaw.  1972.  Birefringent crystal formation in citrus red mites associated with noninclusion virus disease.  J. Invertebr. Path. 29:  170-5.


Shands, W. A., I. M. Hall & G. W. Simpson.  1962.  Entomophthoraceous fungi attacking the potato aphid in northeastern Maine in 1960.  J. Econ. Ent. 55:  174-9.


Shands, W. A., G. W. Simpson & I. M. Hall.  1963.  Importance of entomogenous fungi in controlling aphids on potatoes in northeastern Maine.  Maine Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. T-6, Univ. Maine.  42 p.


Shands, W. A., G. W. Simpson, I. M. Hall & C. C. Gordon.  1972.  Further evaluation of entomogenous fungi as a biological agent of aphid control in northeastern Maine.  Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 58, Univ. Maine.  33 p.


Shorey, H. H. & I. M. Hall.  1962.  Effect of chemical and microbial insecticides on several insect pests of lettuce in southern California.  J. Econ. Ent. 55:  169-74.


Shorey, H. H. & I. M. Hall.  1963.  Toxicity of chemical and microbial insecticides to pest and beneficial insects on poled tomatoes.  J. Econ. Ent. 56:  813-17.


Smith, O. J., K. M. Hughes, P. H. Dunn & I. M. Hall.  1956.  A granulosis virus disease of the western grapeleaf skeletonizer and its transmission.  Canad. Ent. 88:  507-15.


Stern, V. M., I. M. Hall & G. D. Peterson.  1959.  The utilization of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner as a biotic insecticide to suppress the alfalfa caterpillar.  J. Insect Path. 1:  142-51.


Vail, P. V. & I. M. Hall.  1969.  The histopathology of a nuclear polyhedrosis in larvae of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, related to symptoms and mortality.  J. Invertebr. Path. 13:  188-98.


Vail, P. V. & I. M. Hall.  1969.  The influence of infections of nuclear polyhedrosis virus on adult cabbage loopers and their progeny.  J. Invertebr. Path. 13:  358-70.


Vail, P. V. & I. M. Hall.  1969.  Susceptibility of the pupa of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, to nuclear polyhedrosis virus.  J. Invertebr. Path. 14:  227-36.


Vail, P. V., I. M. Hall & T. Miller.  1967.  A cytoplasmic polyhedrosis of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni.  J. Invertebr. Path. 9:  438-41.


Vail, P. V., I. M. Hall & D. Gough.  1969.  Influence of a cytoplasmic polyhedrosis on various developmental stages of the cabbage looper.  J. Invertebr. Path. 14:  237-44.


van den Bosch, R., E. I. Schlinger, E. J. Dietrick & I. M. Hall.  1959.  The role of imported parasites in the biological control of the spotted alfalfa aphid in southern California in 1957.  J. Econ. Ent. 52:  142-54.